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Chicken Jiaozi

Lounge 2023. 02. 21


- 500gr Ground chicken meat

- ½ tsp mushroom stock/flavoring

- ½ tbsp salt

- ¼ tsp black pepper

- 1 tsp oyster sauce

- ¼ tsp sesame oil

- 100 gr chicory

- 50 gr chives

- ½ tbsp ground ginger

- 2 tsp cornstarch

- 200 gr dim sum skin

How to make:

1. Sauté garlic and chicory, cook until half cooked.

2. Mix ground chicken with sauteed chicory. Add in chives, mushroom stock, sugar, ginger powder, pepper, soy sauce, oyster sauce and cornstarch. Then stir until smooth.

3. Prepare the dimsum skin, apply water at the end to make it easier to shape the Jiaozi. Then put in enough batter.

4. Fry the Jiaozi until golden brown.

5. Chicken Jiaozi are ready to serve.
