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Ethical Management

Cyber Reporting Center

Your attention shapes the future of LocknLock.

LocknLock online reporting center is open to all executives/employees of LocknLock, its affiliates and 3rd parties to take reports of unethical conducts such as violation of legal and ethical instruments, unfair business practice, illegal demand by abusing one’s position, and taking of money or entertainment, or unfair commercial practices violating subcontracting law, etc.

  • Online reports of unfounded slander, or privacy of individual are not handled as legitimate complaints.
  • Reporter’s identity and reported details are kept completely confidential and no disadvantage will be allowed against a reporter. We will try our best to close a reported case as soon as practically possible.
Types of report
  • Graft received from a stakeholder
  • Double employment of an executive/employee
  • Lack of transparency in supplier selection
  • Leak of corporate information
  • Unauthorized use or abuse of corporate asset
  • Other moral hazard
  • Unauthorized investment in transaction counterparty

Send a report to


Postal mail: Ethical Management Team,
LocknLock Co., Ltd., Fl. 20, 14 Sejongdaero,
Jung-gu, Seoul (Grand Central Bd. A,
Namdaemunro 5-ga)

You may submit a report either to the email
or postal mail address in the above.

Executives/employees at LocknLock comply with all applicable legal/regulatory requirements applicable to domestic and global business activities, uphold generally accepted commercial practices and disciplines, promote fair and transparent transactions based on good faith, and refrain from making any improper solicitation or offering money, etc. to public servants, etc. in connection with the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act (a.k.a. Kim Young-ran Law).

Furthermore, we do not engage in monetary transactions of any type with suppliers or stakeholders involving any money, gift, entertainment, or reward, ask for or receive any personal gains, and shall disclose/report meeting with a business partner or material transaction with a stakeholder to the representative of the Company in advance.

Executives/employees are responsible for trying to prevent irregularities in all business duties and report any actual or potential violation of ethical guidelines or code of conduct to the representative of the Company immediately and follow his/her instruction.

Executives/employees are responsible for and obligated to verify that they have done their duties with transparency when they are suspected or irregularity or nontransparency in connection with their business duties.
